Monday, July 24, 2006

Lots more friends to see me!

Having a hug with Hels

Hels came round this evening to take a look at the new arrival... I was very sleepy today and spent most of the day with my eyes shut! Mummy, Daddy and Hels had lasagne for tea... again I just had a sleep. Mummy and Daddy say I'm being a very good boy at the moment - feeding, playing, sleeping, feeding, playing, sleeping, playing, feeding, sleeping... you get the picture - but for how long?!!

Lucy, Katie, Jess and me chillin' in the garden

Mummy's friends from work came over too with lots of nice pressies for me from all the kind people at school - I am a very lucky little boy - thank you all so much. x

Today was the day I was supposed to be born - just think I've only been in this world a week - Mummy and Daddy can't remember life without me!

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