Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I'm one today!

I'll give you a clue...

Opening even more presents in bed with Mummy & Daddy this morning*

I've had a lovely day, it has been much sunnier and I went out for lunch with Mummy. Daddy came home early from work which was a nice treat - we played games together! I took 9 steps on my own tonight - not long now until I'm walking all over the place!

* A bit quieter at 6.57am this year, that's for sure!!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!*

Today I had a very special party with all my family around to wish me a Happy Birthday. We had sandwiches, scones and birthday cake. I was treated to lots of presents - a xylophone, spinning top, bib, maisy the mouse, shoes, t-shirt, tricycle... but the best present of all was to have everyone nearby to keep me entertained! As you can see from the photo below, the house was very full!

Thank you to everyone who made it for my special day

Everyone sang me 'Happy Birthday!'

Although I didn't quite manage to blow out the candle!

Nannies are good at spoiling babies!

I loved making lots of noise playing my new pressie!

* A special celebration 2 days early!!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

My first steps!

After a shaky start(!), you'll see me taking a few steps completely on my own. With a little practice, I'm sure I'll soon be walking around the room!