Sunday, July 30, 2006

Me and Daddy

Me and Daddy watching our first Grand Prix highlights together... the first of many I am sure!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

More friends to see me!

Emily came round today to see me. She bought me a card, some lovely presents and... her mum along too! They each had a hold.. I was very good and slept through the whole encounter!

Finn's New Clothes

Guess what came through the post this morning? A lovely bundle of clothes* made by the fair hands of Faye and her mum... and I don't half look smart wearing them. They're perfect! Thankyou you two!

Take a look at me!

*At last, long sleeves now that the cooler weather has arrived!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Meet the Great Grandparents (part 3)

Me and Great-Grandad Brown

Great-Nanny and Great-Grandad Hadley holding me for the first time.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Who do I look like most? (Dodge update!)


Auntie Jess?

Uncle Robin?

or Uncle (buddha) Harry?

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Me and Mummy

Resting after a hard day's sleep!

Who do I look like most?!


Auntie Sarah?

Auntie Kate?

Photos of Mummy, Auntie Joie, Auntie Jess, Uncle Robin and Uncle Harry to follow!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Auntie Sarah came up to see me

Auntie Sarah came round today - I was a bit moody but as soon as she got a hold of me I calmed down completely! She's a natural and will be up again to baby sit for sure!

Meeting Great Nanny Doggie

Great-Nanny Doggie came round to see me today... she was very pleased to have a hold of me! So were Uncle Harry and Great-Nanny Drives. We all had a spot of lunch - it was delicious. I've been very hungry today and have kept Mummy busy as a non-stop milk machine!

Daddy and Uncle Harry looking after me

Monday, July 24, 2006

Lots more friends to see me!

Having a hug with Hels

Hels came round this evening to take a look at the new arrival... I was very sleepy today and spent most of the day with my eyes shut! Mummy, Daddy and Hels had lasagne for tea... again I just had a sleep. Mummy and Daddy say I'm being a very good boy at the moment - feeding, playing, sleeping, feeding, playing, sleeping, playing, feeding, sleeping... you get the picture - but for how long?!!

Lucy, Katie, Jess and me chillin' in the garden

Mummy's friends from work came over too with lots of nice pressies for me from all the kind people at school - I am a very lucky little boy - thank you all so much. x

Today was the day I was supposed to be born - just think I've only been in this world a week - Mummy and Daddy can't remember life without me!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Topsham for Tea

Me, Mummy and Daddy all went down to The Fish Shed, Topsham to get takeaway. We then went down to the river to enjoy our delicious fish dish*.

Mummy had scallops fried with bacon, Daddy had battered monk fish and I had a sleep.

We had a pleasant chat with two old aged pensioners in motorised shopping carts who, like us, were out enjoying the fine evening.

*Want to find out more finn-tastic fish eat-outeries?
Then click here or here!

Meeting new friends

I met an Anglo-French friend today at Miles and Cindy's house - she's called Manon - she's my first girlfriend. She's nearly a year older than me but that doesn't matter. I like the older woman!

Manon could do loads of cool tricks!

Finn at the Gymn

Had a lovely time today playing in the Tiny Love Gymini Super Deluxe kindly bought for me by my Uncle Harry. Cheers Uncie Haz!

Auntie Kate came round to my crib!

Met my Auntie Kate today - she spent most of the time giving me a cuddle and the rest of the time asking for me back to cuddle again! Nanny Irene and Grump-pa Mike came along too - they were very pleased to see me!

Having a ponder...

Saturday, July 22, 2006

My first outing

Went out for my first trip in the pram today, just a little wander down to the shops. The sunlight helped my jaundice too - skin's a little yellow at the mo!

I saw Katy and Bryan outside Somerfield - they had just picked up their new puppy. I think they're going to call it Mabel. The pup was small, cute and cuddly... just like me!!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Hello 2H!

Hello to all you big children in my mummy's class. I hope you are all working hard and looking forward to your summer holidays. Mummy says she will bring me in to see you when you come back to school in the Autumn.

Thank you for all my presents and cards - you are so kind! Make sure you say thank you to your mummys and daddys too!

I hope you are looking after Miss Congdon, Mrs Clatworthy and Mrs Terrill. They may let you look at all the things I have written below. You can find out all about me!

See you all soon

Lots of Love

x x x

Day three at home

Has been rather hot the last few days, I have really missed my air-conditioned hospital room! As the temperature has dropped, so have my tantrums! I am much more relaxed as you may be able to tell in my photos.


Having my first bath at home

Having a good night's sleep in my trendy carry cot

Take a look at me!

Resting first thing this morning. I'm really chilled out today and had a really peaceful night's sleep. Mummy and Daddy were very pleased!

Me with my Aunties and Uncles

Uncle Harry holding me with a big cheesy grin

Being looked after by Auntie Jo!

Auntie Jessie...

...and Uncle Orlando.

Auntie Kate and Auntie Sarah will be meeting me this weekend... it may be a liitle longer 'til I see my Uncle Robin. The moment I was born, he left the country!*

*Don't worry, Uncle Robin will be back from his tour of Europe soon.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Meet the Grandparents

Here I am with Nanny Debbie...

...Grandad Rob...

...Nanny Irene...

and Grump-pa Mike!

Meet the Great Grandparents!

Great-Nanny Drives

(Great Grampie) Mike

I'll be meeting my other great grandparents really soon - more photos to follow!

I'm Out!

Mummy and I left hospital today so I'm home safe & sound. Took my first trip in my snazzy car seat and stopped off via Boots on the way home.

I met Monty and Molly. They're nice little kittos but didn't know what to make of me! Monty got so scared when I started crying that he jumped up and bit Daddy's leg! Now he just runs and hides whenever I'm near.

As a little thank you to all off you who've sent warm regards and posted comments, I thought I'd leave you another video of me (this time taken on my daddy's phone). 1min 16 seconds of Finn-tastic footage... Check out the sneeze 52 seconds in!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Me and my folks

Me and my mummy...

...& me with my daddy!

Me again!

Taking it easy in my crib

Hey it's me!

Taking it easy - just hours old.

It's my birthday!

Hello everybody, Finn here! Today's the day I came into the world to join my mummy and daddy, Em and Kev. I was born at 6:57AM on Monday 17th July 2006, weighing in at 7lb 2oz.

Keep coming back here for more photos and videos of My Wonderful World!